Spectacula Antiqua

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History in the Present

Gladiator Fights

Borbe gladijatora

The Pula School of Gladiators is a two-time winner of the Hercules Victor trophy.

Pula School of Gladiators

Spectacula Gladiatoria Association – the best gladiators in the world.

Spectacula antiqva, a program led by the Spectacula Gladiatoria school, is an exciting performance by modern gladiators who have risen to the top of European gladiatorial combat. Spectacula antiqva is a spectacle that leaves many breathless.

Latest information


Tickets are purchased exclusively at the box office in the ARENA every day during the ARENA’s working hours. You can buy tickets in advance or on the day of the event.

Spectacula Antiqua LOGO

Friday 20:30h

Tickets available at the entrance
Spectacula Antiqua LOGO

Wednesday 20:30h

Tickets available at the entrance
Spectacula Antiqua LOGO

Monday 20:30h

Tickets available at the entrance

Visit the real amphitheater - Arena

The most famous and significant monument, the building from which every tour of the city begins and ends – the Pula Arena – a structure where spectacular gladiator fights are still held today